M474: One command can change MAC addresses and renew IP addresses.

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M474 is an open-source network privacy and security tool designed to enhance your online privacy. It provides features for changing MAC addresses, randomizing internal IP addresses, and renewing IP addresses, creating an additional layer of privacy during network activities.


  • MAC Address Changer: Change the MAC address of your network interface to enhance privacy and security.
  • Internal IP Randomizer: Randomize the internal (loopback) IP address for added privacy and network obfuscation.
  • IP Renewal: Renew both internal and external IP addresses to enhance anonymity and avoid tracking.

One of the key functionalities of M474 is the ability to change a device’s MAC address. A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller (NIC). By changing the MAC address, M474 can make it more difficult for websites and other entities to track a user’s device.

M474 can also randomize internal IP addresses. An IP address is a unique identifier assigned to a device on a network. By randomizing internal IP addresses, M474 can further obscure a user’s identity on a local network.

Finally, M474 allows users to renew their IP addresses. An IP address is often assigned by an internet service provider (ISP) and can be used to track a user’s location and online activity. By renewing the IP address, M474 can provide users with a fresh start, making it more difficult to be tracked.

M474 is a promising tool that can help users enhance their network privacy and security. By changing MAC addresses, randomizing internal IP addresses, and renewing IP addresses, M474 can make it more difficult for third parties to track a user’s online activity.



git clone https://github.com/spyboy-productions/M474.git
cd M474
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
+  Note: This script must be run as root.
sudo python3 M474.py
+ To manually revert the MAC address to the permanent MAC address.
sudo python3 M474.py revert

This will revert the MAC address and print a success message.

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